“A history that is rooted in the most common local peculiarities, in ordinary labour: the passion for work well done, the thousands of stories of highly esteemed craftsmen.”

Gommus was founded in 1985, reinvented by a small group of workers who wished to preserve the tradition of hand-crafted rubber.
Developed on the dynamics of a business model peculiar to the Marche Region, and deriving from complex and diverse realities, an industrial structure and craftsmanship mentality have always existed side by side at Gommus, the capacity to produce high volumes while paying attention to the individual needs of each single client. Thanks to this dual nature, from the very beginning we were able to respond to the diverse needs of our clients, while maintaining competitiveness through an efficient business framework.
Since that time we have grown. Our continuous commitment to environmental issues enabled us to achieve environmental certification by Bureau Veritas. We have introduced new techniques, new materials and new applications through ongoing investments in research and design.
Today we produce and sell high performance soles all over the world.